Unilux Direct Consumer Products
HRV / ERV components
Parts for integrated vertical fan coil units, including cores, filters and controls. Find all the parts you need for heat recovery...
HVAC air filters
Air filters for standard HVAC and vertical fan coil (VFC) units. From basic wire-frame filters to the superior MERV 13...
Supply air grilles & registers
Supply air grilles and registers provide total control over how air enters your residence. Change the direction up or down,...
Find the right thermostat for your suite today. Our wide selection of thermostats includes our new Wi-Fi-enabled thermostat. Take control of...
Thermostats - 120 VAC
Thermostats - 24 VAC (low voltage)
Vertical Fan Coil Access Panels
Find replacement access panels for all Unilux VFC vertical fan coils. Our fan coil covers also suit other manufacturers' units. We have...